Our School - Health Promotion & Sustainability

At Three Springs Primary School, it is our belief that the school’s role is to encourage the development of the 'whole child' so they are able to perform at their best at school and in later life. We place a strong emphasis of the importance of healthy eating, physical activity and the social/emotional development of all students.

Recently our focus has been on developing Three Springs Primary School’s Health Promoting School Framework. This is a framework which is being developed to identify and formalise links between existing and new policy documents, programs and agencies working toward the common goal of student health and wellbeing.

We are constantly growing and evolving our whole school framework to suit our context and meet the needs of our students. As we celebrate new developments, information will be shared via our school website (along with a number of other avenues) to get the message out to the school community.

The Health Promoting Schools Framework is one which considers the broad health needs of all school community members. These health needs are addressed collaboratively  using a combination of strategies linked to the three interrelated components of:

  • curriculum, teaching and learning
  • school organisation, ethos and environment
  • partnerships and services.

PAThS Program

As part of the Health Learning Area, students from K-6 take part in PAThS learning. This is a program developed to assist kids to develop positive thinking skills and  encourage positive attitudes to school, each other and the community. These are core life skills which can be applied throughout life.

Morning Fitness

Research shows that active kids come to class ready to learn and are able to concentrate for longer periods of time. Monday - Thursday mornings the whole school takes part in 15 minutes of morning fitness. This is setup and run by our Year 6 students leaders for their peers.

Breakfast Club

A healthy diet helps to increase concentration and cognitive function. Sharing a meal with friends helps to improve social interactions and social skills amongst students. With the support of Foodbank WA , we run a breakfast club every  morning from 8.00am to 8.30am. All students are welcome to attend and they can come as often or as little as they prefer.

Active After School Sport

Monday afternoons (8 weeks each Term) we run active after school activities to encourage students to be social and get active. This is provided at no cost to the students. Each term a different sport is selected and activities are run by either staff or community members. Activities run from 3.30pm - 4.30pm and some healthy snacks are provided for participants. Participants do require parent permission to attend.


We have a small Aquaponics setup which is run and monitored by the students. At this stage we have a number of different vegetables growing, with a number of different species of fish in each of the two tanks that feed into the garden beds.

Worm Farm

We also have a worm farm setup up for disposing of food scraps and garden waste. This produces organic fertilizer which can then be used on plants growing in the community garden.

Community Garden Project

The community garden is a shared space for students and community, which runs onto the school property. Students regularly access and monitor these gardens as part of their classroom learning. It is a wonderful resource to have access to and our kids love getting in the garden and getting their hands dirty!

