Information - School P&C

P & C Association meetings provide opportunities to discuss school activities. The P & C is actively involved in providing support for improving the educational and physical environments of the school. All parents / carers, interested staff, and community minded people are invited to attend these meetings. All meetings will be advertised in the school newsletter and on our school calendar each term.

The P & C is an association that helps our School cater for the needs of the School. They are a communication source between School and the outer community. Our P & C members work tirelessly to co-ordinate and organise events and activities throughout the year to raise much needed funds which allow them to purchase equipment and resources for the students and support ongoing school initiatives. Please support your P & C to support our children.
President: Nadine Eva
Vice President:  Kate Morrison
Secretary: Chris Lane
Treasurer: Kellie Thomas
Catering Coordinator:  Stacey Pajich